Duty to provide information according to §63 Trade Regulations, §5 E-Commerce Act and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act.
Company: Outlines e.U.
Owner: Mag. Wolfgang Hold
Legal form: registered sole proprietorship
Address: 1220 Vienna, Eßlinger Hauptstraße 76/10/2 | AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 680 4427128
Email: office@outlines.at
Commercial register number: 533501 k
CRN court: Vienna Commercial Court
Job title: artist and trader
Purpose of the company: art and trade
VAT number: ATU65269648
Membership(s) of the Chamber of Commerce organization:
Member of the WKÖ, WKW, Fachgruppe LG Handel mit Farben, LG Versand-, Internet- und allgemeiner Handel
Supervisory authority / trade authority:
Magistrate of the City of Vienna (Municipal District Office for the 22nd District)
Commercial regulations:
Trade Regulations (www.ris.bka.gv.at)
Direction of the website ("editorial policy"):
Information about the company's goods and services, as well as sales and promotion of the same.